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2022 هواتف صناعية فاخرة مقاومة للماء

تصنيف: الإخبارية Release Time: 2022-07-09 Pageviews:5852

What is a waterproof telephone? What are the main functional features?

In our life, we use water every day, and as our common contact tool, the phone will inevitably splash with water droplets. In the early days, people could only think of the big and clumsy shape of the phone with waterproof function. But with the passage of time and the progress of the times, waterproof telephones have become more and more intelligent, and at the same time, they are easier to introduce in terms of appearance. So what are the features of waterproof phones that we don’t know?

Introduction and features of waterproof telephone
When it comes to waterproofing, there are universal waterproofing grades in the world, and phones basically have a certain degree of waterproofing, but they are all splash-proof, or prevent rainwater from entering the interior of the phone. The other is equipped with a waterproof device. Generally, this kind of phone is developed and designed for industrial or some special environments.

Essentially, waterproof phones belong to a special category of phones within landlines.
According to the use environment and strength, it can be divided into two categories: consumer waterproof phones and هواتف صناعية مقاومة للماء. Due to the use and confidentiality of military waterproof phones, this introduction does not cover military waterproof phones.

The waterproof performance of the phone is defined according to the IP protection level.
Waterproof telephones generally have a certain dustproof function. At the same time, when purchasing, be sure to ask whether they have an anti-vibration function, because it is very likely that the sealing interface will loosen at the moment of impact, which will greatly reduce the waterproof performance.


Industrial grade waterproof phone
We can analyze the waterproof performance of a waterproof telephone from three aspects: design, material and process.
Let’s talk about design first. In the field of waterproofing, there are generally two types of waterproofing, one is structural waterproofing and the other is technical waterproofing.
Structural waterproofing, as the name suggests, means that the ID engineer team designed a phone with a certain waterproof performance based on their own understanding of the waterproof structure in the design stage. How to isolate the liquid and moisture from the phone, and what kind of structure is adopted is very important. The process can only be simple, using coating to waterproof. With the corresponding material, the phone can be well protected.

Our waterproof level is IP66, so you can use it with confidence. اتصل بنا now.

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