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مصنع الصين للهواتف الصناعية المقاومة للماء

صندوق نداء الطوارئ SOS مقاوم للماء

Waterproof SOS Emergency Call Box was made of cold rolled steel, the strong shell provide extra security for machine wiring. The protect level is IP65, has CE, ROHS, FCC, ISO9001 certification.

الموديل: CX-JW-01
الطاقة: مصدر طاقة خط الهاتف
الجهد: DC 48V
العمل الحالي في وضع الاستعداد ≤ 0.2A
استجابة التردد: 250 ~ 3000 هرتز
حجم النغمة ≥ 100 ديسيبل (A)
فئة التآكل: WF2
درجة الحرارة المحيطة: -30 ~ + 60 درجة مئوية
الضغط الجوي: 80 ~ 110 كيلو باسكال
الرطوبة النسبية ≤ 95%
غدة الكابل: 3-PG11
التثبيت: مثبت على الحائط

China industrial waterproof telephones factory products
China industrial waterproof telephones factory latest news
الطريق SOS: أهمية هواتف الطوارئ على الطرق السريعة

2023-4-14 اقرأ أكثر

Roadside SOS: The Importance of Emergency Telephones on Highways   When we think of driving on highways, we often picture smooth roads, scenic views, and quick travel times. However, sometimes things don\'t go as planned, and we find ourselves in...
نظام هاتف الطوارئ GSM ، الأمن من حولك

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With the continuous development of science and technology, many changes have taken place in the communication methods around people. In the past, when we went out, we always held maps in our hands. Contact, whether it is transportation or communication,...
هاتف صناعي متين للبيئات الصعبة

2023-5-25 اقرأ أكثر

An industrial rugged telephone is a specially designed phone that is built to withstand harsh and tough environments. These phones are typically used in industrial settings such as manufacturing plants, warehouses, construction sites, and oil rigs, where traditional phones are...
Outdoor Telephone Equipped with Siren and Beacon

2023-12-13 اقرأ أكثر

As technology continues to progress, so does the need for innovative solutions that can enhance communication in various settings. One such example is the outdoor telephone equipped with a siren and beacon. This cutting-edge device has revolutionized emergency communication systems,...
هاتف الطوارئ على الطريق السريع صنع في الصين: شريان الحياة على الطريق

2023-4-25 اقرأ أكثر

The emergency motorway phone is a crucial lifeline for drivers on the road. In the event of an accident or breakdown, these phones can provide immediate access to emergency services and help ensure the safety of motorists and passengers.  ...
Elevator Telephone: Ensuring Communication and Safety in Vertical Transportation

2023-12-5 اقرأ أكثر

Elevators have become an essential part of our daily lives, especially in urban areas where buildings are getting taller and skyscrapers are becoming more common. As the demand for vertical transportation increases, it is vital to ensure the safety and...
How Does a Fiber Network Switch Provide Efficient Data Transmission?

2024-10-23 اقرأ أكثر

As a high-speed network transmission relay device, a fiber optic network switch plays an important role in modern communication networks. It uses optical fiber cable as the transmission medium, and has the advantages of high speed, strong anti-interference ability, large...
هل من الضروري تركيب هاتف مقاوم للماء في الصناعة؟

2022-12-30 اقرأ أكثر

Waterproof telephones are necessary in many industrial settings. They are used in areas where there is a risk of water damage, such as in factories that use machines with a lot of water or in locations near bodies of water....
استكشاف عمليات مصنع الهاتف الصناعي الخارجي

2024-1-3 اقرأ أكثر

An outdoor industrial telephone factory is a facility where telecommunications devices specifically designed for outdoor environments are manufactured. These devices are essential for various industries, including transportation, oil and gas, mining, and manufacturing, where reliable communication is crucial. In this...
China industrial waterproof telephones factory Industries
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