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الصين مصنع هاتف الطوارئ العامة لوحة المفاتيح للماء

تصنيف: الإخبارية Release Time: 2023-05-06 Pageviews:2949



In recent years, public emergency telephones have become an essential part of our daily lives. They play a crucial role in ensuring public safety by providing immediate communication channels to emergency services such as the police, fire, and ambulance services. However, traditional public emergency telephones may not be suitable for certain environments, such as outdoor areas with harsh weather conditions. To address this issue, the waterproof keypad public emergency telephone has been developed.


What are Waterproof Keypad Public Emergency Telephones?


Waterproof keypad public emergency telephones are designed to withstand outdoor weather conditions and provide reliable communication channels in emergency situations. They are equipped with a waterproof keypad, which allows the user to dial emergency services even in heavy rain or snow. These telephones are also equipped with a waterproof housing, which protects the internal components from water damage.


Features of Waterproof Keypad Public Emergency Telephones


1. Waterproof Keypad: The keypad of waterproof keypad public emergency telephones is designed to remain functional even when exposed to water. This allows users to dial emergency services even in the heaviest rain or snow.


2. Waterproof Housing: The housing of waterproof keypad public emergency telephones is designed to protect the internal components from water damage. This ensures that the phone remains functional even in the heaviest rain or snow.



3. Loudspeaker: The loudspeaker of the phone is designed to provide clear and audible sound even in noisy environments. This ensures that the user can communicate effectively with emergency services.


4. One-touch Dialing: Waterproof keypad public emergency telephones are equipped with one-touch dialing features, which allow the user to connect directly to emergency services without having to dial the full number.


5. Remote Monitoring: Some waterproof keypad public emergency telephones are equipped with remote monitoring features, which allow emergency services to monitor the phone\’s location and status.




In conclusion, waterproof keypad public emergency telephones are essential for ensuring public safety in outdoor environments. They provide reliable communication channels to emergency services even in harsh weather conditions. The waterproof keypad and housing, loudspeaker, one-touch dialing, and remote monitoring features are all designed to make these phones functional, durable, and effective in emergency situations.

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