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صندوق هاتف الطوارئ

تجربة التطبيق
منتج التصميم
شريك طويل الأمد
حالات العملاء

An emergency telephone box is a type of public phone that is designed to provide a direct line of communication with emergency services such as the police, fire department, or ambulance. These boxes are typically located in public areas such as highways, parks, and campuses where there is a high likelihood of emergencies occurring.

The purpose of an emergency telephone box is to provide a quick and easy way for people to call for help in the event of an emergency. They are typically bright colored and highly visible, with clear instructions for how to use them.


صندوق هاتف الطوارئ


Most emergency telephone boxes are equipped with a direct line to emergency services, and many also have a speakerphone or other features that allow for two-way communication. Some models may also have additional features such as a camera or a panic button to provide additional security.

Overall, emergency telephone boxes can be an important tool for public safety, providing a reliable means of communication in the event of an emergency. They are often required by law in certain locations, and their use can help to save lives and prevent serious accidents or injuries.

صندوق هاتف الطوارئ


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