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نظام هاتف الطريق السريع

تصنيف: نظام الطرق السريعة Release Time: 2022-05-19 Pageviews:16425

An emergency telephone system is a special system for drivers and passengers who are driving on special sections of the expressway (tunnels, long downhills) to provide emergency rescue in the event of a traffic accident. It is the main equipment for traffic accident information and monitoring of road operation. It is a necessary communication facility on the expressway.

When a traffic accident occurs, the user can use the emergency telephone to the emergency telephone console of the expressway monitoring center to call for help and report the accident situation; The personnel on duty can timely organize the dispatch of obstacle trucks, ambulances, and accident handling personnel to the scene of rescue, Relevant road sections send accident information to avoid related accidents along the line.




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