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industrial sip heavy duty gsm tunnel phone

تصنيف: key_page Release Time: 2023-04-08 Pageviews:2642



An industrial SIP heavy-duty GSM tunnel phone is a communication device that is designed for use in harsh environments such as tunnels, mines, and other industrial settings. It is a rugged and durable phone that can withstand exposure to dust, water, and extreme temperatures. This type of phone typically supports both Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) connectivity.


The phone is designed to be installed in a fixed location and can be connected to a local area network or the internet using an Ethernet cable. It can also be configured to connect to a GSM network for wireless connectivity. The phone may have features such as a large, illuminated display, programmable speed dial buttons, and a keypad for dialing.


The industrial SIP heavy-duty GSM tunnel phone is used to provide reliable and robust communication in hazardous environments where traditional communication methods may not be effective. For example, in a tunnel, where there is limited cellular coverage, this phone can provide a direct connection to the outside world. In a mine, the phone can be used to provide communication between workers and supervisors, even in areas where there is no cellular coverage.


Overall, the industrial SIP heavy-duty GSM tunnel phone is a critical communication tool for industrial settings, where reliable and rugged communication devices are needed to ensure the safety and productivity of workers.


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