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Stay Safe on China’s Roads with Emergency Telephone Services – Your Lifeline on the Highway

تصنيف: الإخبارية وقت الإصدار: 2023-04-03 Pageviews:3661

If you’re planning on driving in China, it’s important to be aware of the country’s emergency telephone services to help you stay safe on the roads. Here’s what you need to know:

Emergency Services Number: In China, the universal emergency services number is 110 for police and 120 for ambulance and fire services. These numbers are toll-free and can be dialed from any phone, including mobile phones.


English-speaking operators: While many emergency service operators in China may not speak English, there are some that do. If you don’t speak Mandarin, it’s a good idea to ask for an English-speaking operator when you call.


GPS coordinates: If you’re driving in a remote area, it’s important to have your GPS coordinates on hand in case of an emergency. You can find your GPS coordinates by using a smartphone app or GPS device.


Insurance: Make sure you have adequate car insurance coverage that includes roadside assistance, as this can be extremely helpful in case of an emergency.

Stay alert and cautious: Driving in China can be challenging, especially for foreigners. Make sure you stay alert and cautious at all times, and be prepared for unexpected situations.

By being aware of these emergency telephone services and taking the necessary precautions, you can stay safe and enjoy your travels on China’s roads.

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