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Eksplosionssikker nødtelefon
Eksplosionssikker nødtelefon
Eksplosionssikker nødtelefon
Eksplosionssikker nødtelefon

Eksplosionssikker nødtelefon

Explosion-proof phone is a waterproof, explosion-proof VoIP phone specially designed for hazardous area communication. The explosion-proof telephone uses heavy metal as the raw material of the outer casing, and its appearance is firm and vandal-proof. It can be used in emergency environments such as petrochemical mining and the like as emergency communication equipment.

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Størrelse: 384*285*169mm
Omgivelsestemperatur: -40 ℃ til 50 ℃
Relativ luftfugtighed: 10% til 95%
Atmosfærisk tryk: 80-110 kPa
Omgivende støj: ≤60dB
Driftsfrekvens: 300-3400 Hz
Sending Loudness Rating (SLR): 5- 15dB
Receiving Loudness Rating (RLR): -7-2dB
Side Tone Masking Rating (STMR): ≥7dB

Dette produkt: Eksplosionssikker nødtelefon

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