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téléphone d'ascenseur ems

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Do you need a phone in the elevator?
Residential elevators must always have an active phone and check that it is functioning properly. The elevator code requires a method for two-way communication from inside the cab. An elevator phone can be as simple as a wall-mounted model.

EMS emergency phones and systems provide stranded passengers with a reliable connection to emergency assistance.
Phones are available in surface mount, flush/panel mount, and automotive panel mount options.

Depending on the building you are in and the type of elevator, most elevators have a common operator panel where you can select the desired floor stop. In addition to a series of floor buttons, you’ll find an alarm button and a dedicated phone for help, or a help button.

To test your elevators and ensure they are compliant, activate at least two phones at or about the same time. Every phone should be able to have a two-way conversation with the emergency operator. The call fails the test if there is only one call or no call, one call connects but the second call fails, the call does not dial out, or the call completes but neither party can hear each other.


Communications d'urgence
Système de télécom
ems elevator phone Industries
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