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Qu'est-ce que le téléphone d'urgence de l'ascenseur et comment se sauver dans un ascenseur piégé

Classification: nouvelles Release Time: 2022-08-18 Pages vues : 5 431

With the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, the surrounding living facilities have also begun to gradually improve. Now most of the communities are equipped with elevators, which not only facilitates people’s lives but also increases a bit of danger. After all, it happens every year that people are trapped in elevators. Therefore, everyone should master the elevator emergency telephone and understand how to rescue themselves after being trapped in the elevator.


1. What is the emergency telephone number for the elevator?
In the event of a trapped elevator, there are two ways to call the police. One is to dial 96333, which is an exclusive elevator emergency telephone for trapped elevators. After receiving the call, rescue operations will be launched in the shortest possible time. But the premise is that your mobile phone still has a signal inside the elevator. If there is no signal, you can select the emergency call button in the elevator, and the property will receive an alarm at the first time and start rescue.



2. How to save yourself in a trapped elevator
If the elevator is trapped with braking problems during the operation, the first thing to do is to light up the buttons on each floor, which can increase the chance of rescue. If the elevator resumes braking on which floor, we will can escape.
If the elevator door cannot be opened, don’t panic too much, because people’s emotions will consume too much oxygen in the surrounding air when they are overexcited, so lean against the wall in the elevator and slightly bow your legs. , Be prepared to deal with it and adjust your breathing. Generally speaking, there are not many people in the elevator, and the air in the space is still relatively sufficient. Basically, you can wait until the rescue arrives.
Remember to slap at will in the elevator, and don’t shout in a hurry, these may lead to more serious failure of the elevator, so everyone should not only know what the elevator emergency telephone is, but also learn some self-help methods in the elevator. Only then can you ensure that you increase your chances of survival in the event of an emergency.

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