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Chendu Tianfu alþjóðaflugvallarhraðbrautin

Flokkun: Verkefni Release Time: 2022-05-12 Pageviews:10729

Flugvallarhraðbraut (Norðurlínan) er fyrsta tvíátta átta akreina hraðbrautin í Sichuan héraði, það er mikilvæg umferðargrunnbygging Tianfu alþjóðaflugvallarins, heildarfjarlægð er um 69.994 kílómetrar.

The Changxinghuitong emergency telephone is designed by outdoor used, the telephone is an off-hook automatic dial phone, and two metal speed dial buttons are customized according to customer needs. Users only need to pick up the handset or press the button, and the phone will automatically connect to the assistance center or related departments. It avoids the situation where the user does not know what number to dial in an emergency.



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