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Kína iðnaðar vatnsheldur símaverksmiðja

Vatnsheldur SOS neyðarkallbox

Waterproof SOS Emergency Call Box was made of cold rolled steel, the strong shell provide extra security for machine wiring. The protect level is IP65, has CE, ROHS, FCC, ISO9001 certification.

Gerð: CX-JW-01
Rafmagn: aflgjafi fyrir símalínu
Spenna: DC 48V
Vinnustraumur í biðstöðu ≤ 0,2A
Tíðni svörun: 250 ~ 3000 Hz
Hljóðstyrkur hringitóna ≥ 100dB(A)
Tæringarflokkur: WF2
Umhverfishiti: -30 ~ + 60 ℃
Loftþrýstingur: 80 ~ 110 kPa
Hlutfallslegur raki ≤ 95%
Kapalhylki: 3-PG11
Uppsetning: Veggfesting

China industrial waterproof telephones factory products
China industrial waterproof telephones factory latest news
Vatnsheldur SOS neyðarkallbox: tryggir öryggi og öryggi í hvaða aðstæðum sem er

2023-11-30 LESTU MEIRA

In today's fast-paced and unpredictable world, ensuring safety and security is of paramount importance. With the advancement of technology, various devices and systems have been introduced to address this need. One such innovative solution is the waterproof SOS emergency call...
Communication Made Easy: The Telephone with Intercom System

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Communication is an integral part of our lives. From the time we wake up, we engage in different forms of communication with our family, friends and colleagues. One of the most important inventions that have revolutionized communication is the telephone....
Armored Phone: The Ultimate Protection for Your Mobile Device

2023-6-7 LESTU MEIRA

Today, mobile devices have become an integral part of our lives. We use them for communication, entertainment, and even work. However, with the increasing dependence on these devices, the need for protecting them has also become crucial. This is where...
Enhancing Campus Communication: The Benefits of Intercom Systems for Schools

2023-6-7 LESTU MEIRA

Communication is vital in any organization, and schools are no exception. Effective communication between staff, students, and parents is essential for ensuring safety, improving learning outcomes, and fostering a positive school environment. One way schools can enhance communication is by...
High quality Emergency Call Box: Ensuring Safety and Prompt Assistance in Times of Need

2023-8-2 LESTU MEIRA

In today's fast-paced world, the importance of safety cannot be overstated. Whether it's at home, on the road, or in public spaces, being prepared for emergencies is essential. One technology that plays a crucial role in ensuring safety and providing...
Is the waterproof SOS emergency call box really effective?

2024-11-28 LESTU MEIRA

In daily life, safety issues are always an important aspect that we cannot ignore. Especially in some specific places, such as hotels, factories, warehouses, etc., quick help in emergency situations is very important. As a safety device, the design and...
Kína vatnsheldur lyklaborð opinber neyðarsímaverksmiðja

2023-5-6 LESTU MEIRA

Introduction   In recent years, public emergency telephones have become an essential part of our daily lives. They play a crucial role in ensuring public safety by providing immediate communication channels to emergency services such as the police, fire, and...
Kannaðu kosti og eiginleika sprengivarnarsíma

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Explosion-proof phones, also known as intrinsically safe phones, are designed to prevent the risk of explosions in hazardous environments. These phones are specifically engineered to be used in environments where there is a risk of explosions, such as oil refineries,...
Vatnsheldur neyðarkallbox með SOS virkni

2023-4-21 LESTU MEIRA

Introduction The Waterproof Emergency Call Box with SOS Functionality is an important piece of equipment for emergency situations. It is designed to provide a reliable and fast method of communication in case of an emergency. The call box is waterproof,...
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