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Vaktsími SOS iðnaðarsími

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Þetta einstaka harðgerða símtól er smíðað úr mótuðu lausu mótunarefni og er sérstaklega hannað til að standast erfiða notkun í öllu umhverfi, með brynvörðum snúrum til að auka viðnám gegn skemmdarverkum eða mikilli iðnaðarnotkun. Tilvalið fyrir neðanjarðarlestir, járnbrautir, þjóðvegahlið, sjó, námuvinnslu, jarðgöng, stálverksmiðjur, efnaverksmiðjur, virkjanir Innandyra: flugvellir, bankar, söluturn, lyftur, háskólar, hótel, sjúkrahús, verksmiðjur, olía og gas, útistöðvar, brýr, Námuvinnsla, her og tengd iðnaðarforrit osfrv.

Þú getur fundið brunaslöngur og slökkvitæki í brunaskápum á 50 metra fresti við hlið hægfara akreinar í öllum okkar veggöngum. Í þessum skápum finnur þú: Brunaslönguhjóla Slökkvitæki Brunaglerplötur sem hægt er að virkja til að gefa viðvörun. Þeir tengjast beint við LTA Operations Control Center og geta verið notaðir til aðstoðar.
Brunaskápar eru á 50 metra fresti í göngunum, nálægt hægfara akreininni. SOS neyðarsíma er að finna í varaskápum slökkviliðs á 100 metra fresti.




Vaktsími SOS iðnaðarsími nýjustu fréttir
Iðnaðarsími til almenningsnota
Iðnaðarsími til almenningsnota
Introduction   An industrial telephone for public use is a communication device designed for public use in industrial environments. It is a sturdy and durable device that can withstand harsh conditions such as extreme temperatures, dust and moisture. The industrial...

2023-4-13 LESTU MEIRA

Introducing the Ultimate Waterproof Cell Phone: Never Worry About Water Damage Again!
Introducing the Ultimate Waterproof Cell Phone: Never Worry About Water Damage Again!
Are you tired of constantly worrying about water damage to your cell phone? Have you ever experienced the frustration and inconvenience of having to replace your phone due to water damage? If so, we have the solution for you! Introducing...

2023-5-14 LESTU MEIRA

VoIP Industrial Weather Resistant Telephone
VoIP Industrial Weather Resistant Telephone
The VoIP Industrial Weather Resistant Telephone is a rugged and durable communication device that is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and industrial environments. This telephone is built to meet the needs of organizations that operate in extreme environments, such...

2023-5-15 LESTU MEIRA

Unaffected by the Elements: Weatherproof Subway Telephone for Reliable Communication
Unaffected by the Elements: Weatherproof Subway Telephone for Reliable Communication
In today's fast-paced world, communication is vital, especially in public spaces like subways. However, unpredictable weather conditions can often disrupt communication systems, leaving commuters stranded and disconnected. To address this issue, a revolutionary weatherproof subway telephone has been designed to...

2023-12-28 LESTU MEIRA

Auka öryggi og samskipti skóla með háþróuðu kallkerfi
Auka öryggi og samskipti skóla með háþróuðu kallkerfi
In recent years, ensuring the safety of students and staff has become an increasingly important concern for schools worldwide. With the rise of various security threats, it is imperative for educational institutions to adopt modern technologies that can enhance school...

2023-7-16 LESTU MEIRA

Waterproof Emergency Telephone with SOS Feature
Waterproof Emergency Telephone with SOS Feature
In today world, having a reliable emergency communication system is crucial. In situations where every second counts, having a phone that can withstand harsh weather conditions and deliver clear reception is essential. The Waterproof Emergency Telephone with SOS Feature is...

2023-4-19 LESTU MEIRA

Iðnaðarsími með vatnsheldum tökkum úr málmi
Iðnaðarsími með vatnsheldum tökkum úr málmi
Industrial telephones are essential communication devices in various industries and environments. One of the key features of these telephones is their all-metal waterproof keypad, which ensures durability and functionality in challenging conditions.   The all-metal waterproof keypad is designed to...

2023-7-28 LESTU MEIRA

Vatnsheldir símar: halda þér tengdum í hvaða veðri sem er
Vatnsheldir símar: halda þér tengdum í hvaða veðri sem er
Waterproof Phones: Keeping You Connected in Any Weather   In recent years, waterproof phones have become increasingly popular. They provide a solution to the common problem of water damage, which can cause extensive damage to a phone and render it...

2023-4-12 LESTU MEIRA

Vatnsheldir símar: Lausnin á áhyggjum þínum um vatnstjón
Vatnsheldir símar: Lausnin á áhyggjum þínum um vatnstjón
Vatnsheldir símar hafa orðið sífellt vinsælli undanfarin ár vegna aukinnar eftirspurnar eftir snjallsímum sem þola vatnsskemmdir fyrir slysni. Með tilkomu vatnsheldra eiginleika geta notendur snjallsíma nú notið þess að taka myndir í rigningunni með því að nota...

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Roadside Assistance: The Importance of Emergency Telephones for Drivers
Roadside Assistance: The Importance of Emergency Telephones for Drivers
Roadside Assistance: The Importance of Emergency Telephones for Drivers   As drivers, we rely on our vehicles to get us to our destinations safely and efficiently. However, accidents and breakdowns can happen at any time, leaving us stranded on the...

2023-4-16 LESTU MEIRA