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Sprengiheldur hátalari
Sprengiheldur hátalari
Sprengiheldur hátalari
Sprengiheldur hátalari

Sprengiheldur hátalari

Sprengiþolnir hátalarar, útlitið er úr málmefnum, gert úr álblöndu, sem hefur eiginleika gegn ofbeldisskemmdum og veðurþolið. Hentar fyrir úti, olíu, jarðgas og önnur hættuleg svæði.

fáðu tilboð
Afl: 5W
Viðnám: 8Ω
Uppsetning: Veggfesting
Hlutfallslegur raki: ≤95%

Þessi vara: Sprengjuþolinn hátalari

nýjustu fréttir
Weather-Proof Telephone: Making Communication Reliable in Any Weather
Introduction   In today's fast-paced world, reliable communication is a necessity. Whether it is for emergencies, business transactions, or simply...

2023-7-22 LESTU MEIRA

Fullkomin vernd: Afhjúpa byltingarkennda brynvarða símann
Tæknidrifinn heimur, snjallsímar eru orðnir ómissandi hluti af lífi okkar. Allt frá samskiptum til skemmtunar eru þessi tæki orðin að...

2023-9-26 LESTU MEIRA

Enhancing Communication in the Classroom: The Power of an English Classroom Intercom System
In today's modern educational landscape, effective communication plays a vital role in ensuring a conducive learning environment. As English teachers,...

2023-7-2 LESTU MEIRA

Industrial Rugged Telephone: A Reliable Communication Solution
Introduction   In today's fast-paced world, reliable communication is essential for any industry. Industrial rugged telephones have become increasingly popular...

2023-5-16 LESTU MEIRA

Weatherproof Subway Telephone: Reliable Communication in All Conditions
In today's fast-paced world, communication is essential. Whether it's for personal reasons or business purposes, we need to be able...

2023-5-5 LESTU MEIRA

The Significance of Highway Call Boxes in Ensuring Roadside Safety
Introduction: Highway call boxes have played a crucial role in ensuring roadside safety for decades. These communication devices, strategically placed...

2023-7-15 LESTU MEIRA

CXHT ársfjórðungslegur vinnufundur
Þann 12. júlí 2022 var ársfjórðungsfundur CXHT haldinn með góðum árangri í ráðstefnusalnum. Allir starfsmenn Changdian tóku þátt í...

2022-7-13 LESTU MEIRA

Revolutionizing School Communication with IP Intercom System
In today's fast-paced world, communication plays a crucial role in every aspect of our lives. Communication is especially critical in...

2023-6-6 LESTU MEIRA

Rugged and Reliable: IP65 Rated Weatherproof VoIP Telephone for Outdoor Use
When it comes to outdoor communication, it is crucial to have a device that can withstand extreme weather conditions and...

2023-5-26 LESTU MEIRA

Harðir veðurheldir símar fyrir áreiðanleg samskipti í hvaða ástandi sem er
Sterkir veðurheldir símar eru nauðsynlegir í hvaða umhverfi sem er þar sem samskipti eru mikilvæg. Þessir símar eru hannaðir til að þola erfiðar...

2023-5-25 LESTU MEIRA