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GSM neyðarsímakerfi

Uncovered Visible Touchscreen Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Emergency Telephone is a high-end smart phone that integrates audio, video and applications. Based on the Android9.0 system, it can support the installation and use of third-party Android applications, and the interface is convenient to use. With a 7-inch color touch screen, built-in USB 2.0 interface, TF card interface, and HDMI interface, it provides users with unified communication, scalable value-added services, and a rich and flexible desktop-level communication product solution.

Size: 389.2x242x172.4mm
7-inches 1024×600 Touchscreen
Video decoding: H.264
Video call resolution: QVGA/CIF/VGA/4CIF/720P/1080P
Image format: JPEG/PNG/BMP
Video format: MP4
Broadband range: 64kbps~4Mbps
Video frame rate: 5~30fps
Built-in camera: 2 million pixels, adjustable video angle
video preview
Sjálfvirk úthlutun með FTP/TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS/DHCP OPT66/SIP PnP/TR-069
Operating temperature: -20°C to 70°C
Relative humidity of working environment: 10% – 90%
Storage temperature: -20°C to 70°C
Protection class: IP66

Óhjúpaður sýnilegur snertiskjár trefjastyrktur neyðarsími úr plasti

GSM Emergency Phone System products
GSM Emergency Phone System latest news
Weatherproof Dustproof Industrial telephone, communication is more stable and secure

2024-4-17 LESTU MEIRA

In complex and ever-changing industrial environments, the stability and reliability of communication equipment are particularly important. Bad weather and flying dust may hinder the normal operation of communication equipment. However, with Weatherproof Dustproof Industrial telephone, these problems will be solved....
Vatnsheldir símar: halda þér tengdum í hvaða veðri sem er

2023-4-19 LESTU MEIRA

Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, and we rely on them for everything from staying connected with our loved ones to running our businesses. However, one of the biggest challenges with smartphones is that they are not...
Veðurheldir símar utandyra: Vertu í sambandi við rigning eða skín

2023-11-11 LESTU MEIRA

Staying connected is more important than ever. Whether you are at home, at work, or on the go, having reliable communication is crucial. However, when it comes to outdoor environments, the weather can often be a hindrance. Rain, wind, and...
járnbrautarsími birgja verksmiðju

2023-4-8 LESTU MEIRA

A railway telephone is a communication system used by railway workers to communicate with each other or with train operators. It allows railway workers to communicate about train movements, schedule changes, and other important information related to the safe operation...
Introducing the Weatherproof Telephone – Ensuring Uninterrupted Communication in All Weather Conditions

2023-8-4 LESTU MEIRA

In today's fast-paced world, communication plays a vital role in our personal and professional lives. Whether it's a business call, an emergency situation, or simply keeping in touch with loved ones, having a reliable means of communication is crucial. However,...
Áreiðanleg samskipti rigning eða skín: Ultimate Weatherproof sími

2023-9-1 LESTU MEIRA

Whether it is for business purposes, emergencies, or simply staying connected with loved ones, reliable communication is of utmost importance. However, one factor that often poses a challenge to consistent communication is the unpredictable and harsh weather conditions that we...
Að hanna endingargóðan hliðstæðan neyðarsíma fyrir plastverksmiðjur

2023-5-14 LESTU MEIRA

Introduction   Plastic manufacturing plants are hazardous workplaces that require emergency communication equipment. In the event of an accident, workers need to be able to communicate with emergency services and their colleagues to ensure their safety. Analogue emergency telephones are...
Waterproof Keypad Emergency Telephone for Public Use

2023-5-3 LESTU MEIRA

In today\'s world, safety is a top priority for individuals and organizations alike. One important aspect of safety is the ability to communicate during an emergency. This is where waterproof keypad emergency telephones come into play.   A waterproof keypad...
Neyðarsími á vegum: Líflína fyrir ökumenn í neyð

2023-6-1 LESTU MEIRA

The sight of an emergency roadside telephone is a welcome sight for drivers who have found themselves in a dangerous situation on the road. These phones, also known as call boxes, are an essential lifeline for drivers who need immediate...
GSM Emergency Phone System Industries
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