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Svartfjallaland North South Expressway Projects

Flokkun: Verkefni Útgáfutími: 2022-06-10 Pageviews:12438

Norður-suður hraðbrautin (syðri hafnarborgin Bar að norðurlandamæraborginni Bogliare hraðbraut) er fyrsta hraðbrautarframkvæmdin í Svartfjallalandi. Aðalvegurinn er um 180 kílómetrar, 8 milljónir evra eru fjárfestar í verkefnið.


nýjustu fréttir
Vatnsheldir iðnaðarsímar til notkunar í neðanjarðarlest
Neðanjarðarlestir eru óaðskiljanlegur hluti af samgöngukerfum í þéttbýli og bjóða upp á þægilegan og skilvirkan ferðamáta fyrir milljónir...

2023-12-3 LESTU MEIRA

Rugged Waterproof Phone and LED Beacon for Emergency Use
Rugged Waterproof LED Beacons and Emergency Telephones serve as critical tools in ensuring efficient warning and communication during times of...

2023-5-19 LESTU MEIRA

Weather-Proof Telephone: A Must-Have for Outdoor Communication
When it comes to outdoor communication, having a weather-proof telephone is a must-have. Whether you communicating in a remote location,...

2023-4-20 LESTU MEIRA

Revolutionizing Communication: Introducing the Solar-Powered Satellite Phone
Communication is an essential aspect of human life, particularly in today's fast-paced world where it connects us with people and...

2023-6-20 LESTU MEIRA

Byltingarkennd samskipti: Uppgangur vatnsheldra síma
Byltingarkennd samskipti: Uppgangur vatnsheldra síma Samskipti hafa alltaf verið mikilvægur þáttur í lífi mannsins. Með...

2023-4-16 LESTU MEIRA

Neyðarsími/símkerfi: Að tryggja öryggi og samskipti á krepputímum
Á krepputímum er mikilvægt að viðhalda öryggi og skilvirkum samskiptum. Eitt öflugt tæki sem hjálpar til við að ná þessu er...

2023-10-8 LESTU MEIRA

Aluminium Alloy Heavy Duty Weatherproof Telephone: The Ultimate Industrial Rugged Communication Solution
In industrial or outdoor environments, communication is crucial for ensuring safety and efficiency. That's where the Aluminium Alloy Heavy Duty...

2023-5-24 LESTU MEIRA

Rugged Weatherproof Outdoor Emergency Phone: Reliable Analogue Communication in Any Conditions
The Rugged Weatherproof Outdoor Emergency Phone is a communication device designed to provide reliable analogue communication in any weather conditions....

2023-5-24 LESTU MEIRA

Ensuring safety at any moment: waterproof SOS emergency phone in the city
In a corner of the city or in a remote suburb, you may accidentally come across a unique existence -...

2024-10-16 LESTU MEIRA

Stay Connected in Any Weather with our IP66 Weatherproof Emergency Telephone for VoIP
In today's world, communication is of utmost importance, especially during emergencies. However, harsh weather conditions can often lead to communication...

2023-5-20 LESTU MEIRA