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Notkun Kína IP iðnaðar síma

Flokkun: fréttir Release Time: 2022-08-04 Pageviews:5737

What does IP telephony do?
IP telephony uses the Internet to make and receive calls, which means you can carry analog signals throughout your office without investing in copper wiring. You can use your existing Internet connection in your office to connect your IP phone. What’s more, users can make free calls to other IP phones within the organization.




Benefits of IP Telephony
1. Cost
When you make a call using a traditional phone line, the phone company charges per minute of the call time. For businesses, this adds up as there can be hundreds or even thousands of calls per day. For cellular phones, monthly plans usually come with a limited number of minutes unless the user has an unlimited plan.
If a person exceeds their minutes, they will be charged more for the next month. If someone has a prepaid phone plan then they have to add extra minutes before they run out. For IP, especially VoIP, the only monthly charges incurred are from the Internet Service Provider. For businesses, these savings can add up quickly.




2. Scalability
Because companies that subscribe to landline service have to pay for each phone line and how long each employee makes a call, they are often limited by the number of phone lines they can afford.
IP telephony systems do not have such restrictions. If a business needs to add another phone line, all they have to do is add IP telephony to their router without worrying about the cost of the extra phone line.
IP is wireless and all call routing is done in the cloud. This means your business doesn’t need a dedicated call center to handle calls. In addition, IP is highly portable, and calls can be handled by teleworkers on the other side of the country or the world.

Our Kína IP iðnaðarsími can save your business a lot of money. Choose us and you can use it with confidence.

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