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waterproof emergency telephone

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Why do I need an emergency telephone?
Depending on where you work, and what work involves, you may need to provide an emergency telephone by law. Even if you are not required by law to provide one, its still important to safeguard employees and visitors. Choosing to install one of these telephones ensures that if anyone is unfortunate enough to need the help of the emergency services, that they receive help as quickly as possible.

Emergency telephones come with different mounting types. The majority will be wall mounted, in order to be visible and accessible. However, a small number of our range are more like desktop phones. If you are hoping to use the emergency phone for somewhere like a swimming pool or construction site, its best to choose a wall mounted phone. It can be placed in a highly visible area, with easy access.

In what sort of environment do I need an emergency telephone?
Emergency phones are useful in all sorts of environments. Whether it’s leisure areas such as swimming pools, summer camps, amusement parks, or professional environments like hospitals or security offices, this phone can be the difference between life and death. In these areas, where there is high risk of accident or injury, an emergency phone provides the crucial link between you and the emergency services, security, or first aid. Think about your working environment. Is there risk of injury to employees? If there is, you should seriously consider investing in an emergency phone to keep workers safe and improve response time in the event of an emergency.


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