Velkomin í Shenzhen Changxinghuitong Technology Co., Ltd!
+86 19129355807

veðurheldur Neyðarsími utandyra

Shenzhen Changxing Huitong Technology Co., Ltd. er hátæknifyrirtæki sem skuldbindur sig til að rannsaka/hönnun/framleiðsla/sölu og þjónustu eftir sölu í iðnaðarsíma. Fyrirtækið hefur alltaf verið að fylgja viðskiptatilgangnum „gæði fyrst, viðskiptavinur fyrst“, fyrirtækið okkar tekur hugmynd fyrirtækisins um sameiningu, heiðarleika, staðreyndahyggju, nýsköpun og mikil afköst, markmið okkar er að vera fyrst í greininni. Við tökum "Alhliða nýsköpun, fara fram úr væntingum viðskiptavinarins." Sem tilgangur okkar hafa samkeppnishæf verð, betri gæði og skilvirkni unnið traust og velvilja meðal viðskiptavina okkar. Við höfum verið leiðandi í samskiptum í iðnaði, búnaðurinn var vel notaður af veitugöngum, bæjarumferð í mörgum borgum í Kína.

Weatherproof Outdoor Emergency Phone Features:

1. Robust aluminium alloy die-cast body

2. Full keypad with memory, 10 button programmable speed-dial telephone, Illuminated button optional

3. Door cover: orient automatically and good self – closing, convenient for use.

4. Weather resistant to IP67 standard, service temperature range from:-30& acute; to +75& acute;C

5. Magnetic reed hook-switch

6. Telephone line powered. No external power or battery back up required.

7. Lightening protection to ITU-T recommendation K.21

8. Handset: made of special engineering plastic, high anti-knock resistance, Weatherproof, armoured cable optional,

9. Hearing Aid compatible receiver, Noise canceling microphone.

10. Handset integrity wiring to enable the telephone system to check if the telephone unit is still operational.

11. Vandal resistant and tamper-resistant hardware,

12. Easy installation/ replacement



Þjónustan okkar

Við tökum "Alhliða nýsköpun, fara fram úr væntingum viðskiptavinarins." sem tilgangur okkar munum við halda áfram að fínstilla viðskiptastjórnunarkerfið okkar og þjónustukerfi eftir sölu, svo við getum veitt viðskiptavinum í kringum vinnuna bestu sprengivörnuðu símana, IP-símakerfið, fangelsið, þjóðveginn, hafnarsímakerfið og annað neyðarkerfi. símakerfi. Við gerum alltaf okkar besta til að mæta öllum þörfum viðskiptavina okkar.
weatherproof Outdoor Emergency Telephone Projects
weatherproof Outdoor Emergency Telephone latest news
veðurheldur Neyðarsími utandyra

2022-8-8 LESTU MEIRA

Shenzhen Changxing Huitong Technology Co., Ltd. Is a High-Tech enterprise, which is committing itself to industrial telephone researching/designing/manufacturing/sales and after sales service. The company has always been adhering to the “quality first, customer first” business purpose, our company take the...
GSM neyðarsímakerfi

2022-11-8 LESTU MEIRA

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call boxes on highways

2023-3-10 LESTU MEIRA

Call boxes on highways are typically emergency telephones that are strategically located along major highways and roads to provide a means of communication for motorists who require assistance. These call boxes are typically installed by highway authorities or private companies,...
veðurþolinn voip sími

2023-2-22 LESTU MEIRA

A weatherproof VoIP phone is a type of telephone designed to withstand outdoor environmental conditions such as rain, snow, and extreme temperatures. These phones are typically used in public places such as parks, train stations, and airports, where there is...
waterproof landline phone factory

2023-3-23 LESTU MEIRA

A waterproof landline phone is a telephone that is designed to be used in wet or damp environments, such as near a swimming pool, in a bathroom, or in a kitchen. These phones are typically sealed to prevent water from...
logheldur veðurheldur sími

2022-12-3 LESTU MEIRA

The explosion-proof telephone is designed according to a special anti-explosion structure, so that it can still work safely in the complex, harsh and explosive environment. This type of communication equipment is installed in most power plants, industrial and mining plants...
GSM neyðarsímakerfi

2023-2-22 LESTU MEIRA

The GSM Emergency Phone System is a cellular network-based emergency communication system that allows users to make emergency calls from a GSM mobile phone, even if they do not have an active SIM card or have exhausted their prepaid balance....
IP sími Sími með snúru

2022-7-26 LESTU MEIRA

Have you ever used a landline phone in your home? Know how he uses it? IP telephone Corded telephones receive power directly from the wires that connect them to the telephone network. So there's no need to replace the power...
Industrial phone

2022-6-29 LESTU MEIRA

Industrial phones are designed for use in indoor or outdoor environments. Its rugged design combined with operational reliability provides a best-in-class solution for virtually any communications application. Simulations are provided in various shells. Our products are made of solid aluminum...