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+86 19129355807
Þráður sími
Þráður sími
Þráður sími
Þráður sími

Þráður sími

The wire telephone are a microphone (transmitter) to speak into and an earphone (receiver) which reproduces the voice in a distant location. In addition, most telephones contain a ringer to announce an incoming telephone call, and a dial or keypad to enter a telephone number when initiating a call to another telephone. The receiver and transmitter are usually built into a handset which is held up to the ear and mouth during conversation. The dial may be located either on the handset or on a base unit to which the handset is connected. The transmitter converts the sound waves to electrical signals which are sent through a telephone network to the receiving telephone, which converts the signals into audible sound in the receiver or sometimes a loudspeaker. Telephones are duplex devices, meaning they permit transmission in both directions simultaneously.

fáðu tilboð
Model: CX-T-B
Umhverfishiti: -10℃-40℃
Loftþrýstingur: 86-106 KPa
Hlutfallslegur raki: 10%-95%
Umhverfishljóð: ≤60dB(A)
SLR: 5km≤15dB
RLR: 5km≤2dB
STMR: 5km≤12dB

This product: Wire Telephone

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