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+86 19129355807


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그들 각각은 강한 출력, 낮은 입력 임피던스 및 높은 효과를 가지고 있으며 전송 범위가 멀다.

호출 시스템, 사이렌 및 경보 시스템, 경찰에 의한 교통 및 군중 제어, 실내 및 실외 응용 프로그램 홍보, 차량 설치, 소음이 많은 지역에 적합합니다.

전원: 5W
임피던스: 8Ω
설치: 벽걸이 형
상대 습도: ≤95%

이 제품: 확성기

최근 소식
Communicating Safely: Talking Through a Glass Intercom
In today\'s world, safety is a top priority. Whether it be at work, school, or in public places, there is...

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Unrivaled Resilience: China Waterproof Phones Redefine Communication in Challenging Environments
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Industrial Telephone: Public Phone for Efficient Communication
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Does the IP54 Analog Handsfree Door Phone Speakerphone offer enhanced communication?
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Enhance Your Hotel’s Communication Systems with Stylish Telephone Faceplates
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Communicating Safely: Engaging in Conversation through a Glass Intercom
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