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call boxes on highways

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Call boxes on highways are typically emergency telephones that are strategically located along major highways and roads to provide a means of communication for motorists who require assistance. These call boxes are typically installed by highway authorities or private companies, and are intended to provide quick and easy access to emergency services, tow trucks, or roadside assistance.


Call boxes may be located at regular intervals along highways, or may be concentrated in areas where there is a higher risk of accidents or other emergencies. In some cases, call boxes may also be equipped with emergency lights or other features to help motorists identify them more easily.


While the use of call boxes has decreased in recent years due to the prevalence of mobile phones, they still serve an important role in providing a reliable means of communication for motorists who may not have access to a phone, or whose phone may be out of range or out of battery. Additionally, call boxes can provide a sense of security for drivers and passengers, knowing that there is a means of contacting emergency services if needed.



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