Добродошли у Схензхен Цхангкингхуитонг Тецхнологи Цо., Лтд!
+86 19129355807

elevator emergency phone factory

From elevator emergency phone factory

Тунелски телефони за хитне случајеве
Emergency telephones for utility tunnel purpose made of aluminium alloy material by die casting. The telephone waterproof is rugged and durable. Body-integral, Strong flame retardancy and low-temperature resistant. Special sealing design can ensure complete waterproof grade up to IP66. Waterproof, dustproof and moisture-resistant. The telephone waterproof widely used in tunnel and outdoor. Most metro and high-speed rail project need install IP66 telephone for emergency communication.

Величина: 492 * 302 * 185 мм
Температура околине: -40℃ до 50℃
Релативна влажност: 101ТП1Т до 951ТП1Т
Атмосферски притисак: 80-110 кПа
Амбијентална бука: ≤60дБ
Радна фреквенција: 300-3400 Хз
Оцена гласноће слања (СЛР): 5-15 дБ
Оцена гласноће пријема (РЛР): -7-2дБ
Оцена маскирања бочних тонова (СТМР): ≥7дБ

Тунелски телефони за хитне случајеве


elevator emergency phone factory products
elevator emergency phone factory latest news
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With the continuous development of communication technology, SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) voice gateway, as an important communication device, has gradually occupied a key position in the network architecture of enterprises and operators. However, for many people, SIP voice gateway is...
Говорећи о значају сос аутопут телефона

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China high quality IP67 Rugged Telephone: Your Waterproof Communication Solution

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In today's fast-paced world, communication is essential. Whether you're on an adventure in the great outdoors or working in a harsh industrial environment, having a reliable communication device is crucial. This is where the IP67 Rugged Telephone comes into play....
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