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Експлозивна кутија за хитне позиве
Експлозивна кутија за хитне позиве
Експлозивна кутија за хитне позиве
Експлозивна кутија за хитне позиве

Експлозивна кутија за хитне позиве

The explosion-proof Emergency Call Box shell is made of aluminum alloy die-casting, the stability and safety have been greatly improved, and it can be used in various harsh environments and climatic conditions, such as large temperature difference, high humidity, seawater corrosion, dusty, corrosive gas and explosive atmospheres.

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Telephone system: dual-tone multi-frequency;
Incoming call ringing signal light prompt;
Call connection time: ≤ 6S (non-blocking);
Maximum communication distance: 5km;
Graded rated sound pressure level intensity: ≥ 90dBA;
Audio range: 300Hz ~ 3400Hz;
Harmonic distortion: ≤ 5%;
Support wall-mounted and floor-standing;
DTMF call system;
Rated feed voltage: DC48V/DC24V;
Send/receive frequency response: comply with GB/T15279-2002;
Transmit Loudness Rating (SLR): 5 ~ 15dB;
Received Loudness Rating (RLR): -7 ~ 2dB;
Sidetone Masking Rating (STMR): ≥7dB;
Interface: 2PIN terminal;
Ambient temperature: -20℃ ~ +70℃;
Use relative humidity: 10% ~ 95%;
Protection class: IP66;
Anti-static, waterproof, dust-proof, anti-corrosion sealed touch keys;
Dial keypad: 0 ~ 9 number keys, 3 function keys: tight call key, redial key, hang up key;
Off-hook automatic dialing, can be set to automatically dial the management center or emergency duty room;
Can manually dial out to 119/110 and other outside calls;
Dimensions: 362x285x168mm;
Weight: 7.8Kg;

This product: Explision-proof Emergency Call Box

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