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ГСМ телефонски систем за хитне случајеве

Uncovered Visible Touchscreen Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Emergency Telephone is a high-end smart phone that integrates audio, video and applications. Based on the Android9.0 system, it can support the installation and use of third-party Android applications, and the interface is convenient to use. With a 7-inch color touch screen, built-in USB 2.0 interface, TF card interface, and HDMI interface, it provides users with unified communication, scalable value-added services, and a rich and flexible desktop-level communication product solution.

Size: 389.2x242x172.4mm
7-inches 1024×600 Touchscreen
Video decoding: H.264
Video call resolution: QVGA/CIF/VGA/4CIF/720P/1080P
Image format: JPEG/PNG/BMP
Video format: MP4
Broadband range: 64kbps~4Mbps
Video frame rate: 5~30fps
Built-in camera: 2 million pixels, adjustable video angle
video preview
Auto-Provisioning via FTP/TFTP/HTTP/HTTPS/DHCP OPT66/SIP PnP/TR-069
Operating temperature: -20°C to 70°C
Relative humidity of working environment: 10% – 90%
Storage temperature: -20°C to 70°C
Класа заштите: ИП66

Uncovered Visible Touchscreen Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Emergency Telephone

GSM Emergency Phone System products
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