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ИП телефон Жични телефон

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IP telephony refers to any phone system that uses an internet connection to send and receive voice data. Unlike a regular telephone that uses landlines to transmit analog signals, IP phones connect to the internet via a router and modem.

How Does IP Telephony Work?
IP telephone systems use the Internet Protocol (IP) or other digital protocols to transfer voice communications over the internet.

What Is The Difference Between VoIP and IP Telephony?
The terms are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference between them.
IP telephony describes any system that fits within the internet-based telecommunications umbrella, including fax and other systems.
Initially, the term VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) was more specific. It only referred to the technology used to make and receive phone calls over the internet.
In recent years, though, even VoIP providers and telecommunications companies have started to use these terms interchangeably. IP telephony and VoIP both cover phone systems that use a LAN (local area network) to connect to the internet via a modem/router.

The IP telephone Corded telephone is a great device that has many benefits. It is perfect for businesses as it can be used to make calls, hold video conferences, and more.

The corded telephone has many features that make it beneficial for business and personal use. Some of these features include caller ID, call waiting, call forwarding, and more. It also has a speakerphone for hands-free use. This allows you to multitask while on a call. The corded telephone also has a mute button so that you can discreetly mute your line. This is great for when you are in a meeting and do not want to be disruptive.

The corded telephone is also eco-friendly. It can help to reduce your carbon footprint by cutting down on the amount of paper used for voicemail messages. Additionally, it can help to conserve energy by automatically going into sleep mode when it is not in use.

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