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телефон за хитне случајеве на аутопуту

A motorway emergency telephone is a type of phone located on the side of a motorway that can be used to call for assistance in the event of an emergency. These phones are typically located at regular intervals along the motorway and are identified by distinctive orange markers or posts.

Motorway emergency telephones are an important safety feature on motorways, as they provide a direct line of communication to emergency services such as police, ambulance, and roadside assistance. They are typically designed to be easy to use, with large buttons and clear instructions.


When a motorist needs assistance, they can use the emergency telephone to connect to a call center, where an operator will ask for their location and the nature of their emergency. The operator can then dispatch emergency services or roadside assistance to the location.

Motorway emergency telephones are typically powered by batteries or solar panels and are designed to be resistant to weather and vandalism. They are also equipped with safety features such as a flashing beacon to help emergency services locate the caller.

In some countries, such as the UK, it is a legal requirement for motorway operators to provide emergency telephones at regular intervals along the motorway. The exact frequency of the telephones varies depending on the length and type of the motorway, but they are usually spaced no more than 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) apart.

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