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Издржљив спољни ВоИП Етхернет телефон: Направљен да издржи све временске услове

Класификација: вести Release Time: 2023-05-24 Pageviews:2996

The Rugged Outdoor VoIP Ethernet Phone is an innovative and durable communication device designed for use in extreme weather conditions. Whether you\’re working on a construction site, hiking in the mountains, or living in an area prone to harsh weather conditions, this phone is built to withstand it all.


One of the key features of this phone is its ruggedized design. The phone is constructed with a heavy-duty casing that is resistant to impact, dust, and water. This means that it can withstand drops, bumps, and spills without sustaining any damage. In addition, the phone is rated IP67, which means it is fully protected against dust and can be submerged in water up to one meter deep for up to 30 minutes.


The Rugged Outdoor VoIP Ethernet Phone is also equipped with advanced communication technology that allows for clear and reliable communication in even the most challenging environments. The phone supports the latest VoIP and Ethernet protocols, which means you can make and receive calls over the internet using a standard Ethernet connection. This is especially useful in remote areas where traditional phone lines may not be available.


Another key feature of this phone is its long battery life. The phone is equipped with a high-capacity battery that can provide up to 10 hours of talk time and up to 120 hours of standby time. This means you can use the phone for extended periods without having to worry about recharging it.



In addition, the Rugged Outdoor VoIP Ethernet Phone is designed with user convenience in mind. The phone features a large, easy-to-read display that is backlit for easy visibility in low-light conditions. It also has a built-in speakerphone and supports hands-free operation, which allows you to use the phone while keeping your hands free for other tasks.


Overall, the Rugged Outdoor VoIP Ethernet Phone is a versatile and reliable communication device that is built to withstand any weather conditions. Whether you\’re working in a harsh industrial environment or exploring the great outdoors, this phone is the perfect tool for staying connected and staying safe.

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