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Чврсти жути индустријски телефон са аналогном технологијом и ИП65 водоотпорном оценом

Класификација: вести Release Time: 2023-06-08 Pageviews:3012

The Rugged Yellow Industrial Telephone with Analogue Technology and IP65 Outdoor Waterproof Rating is a durable and reliable communication device that is perfect for industrial and outdoor environments. This phone is designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, high humidity levels, and exposure to dust and water.


The Rugged Yellow Industrial Telephone is made of high-quality materials that can withstand harsh environments and rugged use. The phone’s bright yellow color makes it easy to spot and locate in any setting. The phone is equipped with analogue technology, which ensures clear and reliable communication, even in areas with poor network coverage.


The phone is also IP65-rated, which means it is completely protected from dust and can withstand low-pressure water jets from any direction. This makes it perfect for use in outdoor environments, such as construction sites, oil rigs, mines, and other industrial settings.


The Rugged Yellow Industrial Telephone is easy to install and use. It comes with a user-friendly interface and features large buttons that are easy to press, even while wearing gloves. The phone also has a built-in speakerphone and a loud ring tone, which makes it easy to communicate with colleagues and team members, even in noisy environments.




The phone is also equipped with a variety of advanced features, such as redial, mute, hold, transfer, and speed dial. These features make it easy to manage calls and communicate with colleagues and team members efficiently. The phone also comes with a programmable keypad, which allows users to customize the phone’s functions to suit their specific needs.


Overall, the Rugged Yellow Industrial Telephone with Analogue Technology and IP65 Outdoor Waterproof Rating is an excellent communication device that is ideal for use in rugged outdoor environments. Its durable construction, reliable performance, and advanced features make it a valuable addition to any industrial or outdoor setting.

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