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Основни водич за коришћење и безбедност телефонске кутије на аутопуту

Класификација: вести Release Time: 2023-08-19 Pageviews:4052


Highway call boxes are an essential safety feature on the road that allows motorists to communicate with authorities in case of emergencies or breakdowns. This guide aims to provide motorists with comprehensive information on the proper usage and safety measures associated with highway call boxes.


Section 1: Understanding Highway Call Boxes

Highway call boxes are emergency communication devices installed along highways and major roads. They are typically located at regular intervals and marked by visible signs. These call boxes are linked to a centralized emergency response system, enabling motorists to request help when needed.


Section 2: When to Use Highway Call Boxes

Highway call boxes should be used in certain situations, including but not limited to:

1. Breakdowns: In case of vehicle breakdowns, motorists can use call boxes to request towing or roadside assistance.

2. Accidents: If involved in an accident, motorists can use call boxes to report the incident and seek immediate medical or police assistance.

3. Medical Emergencies: If a medical emergency occurs, drivers can use call boxes to request an ambulance or medical attention.

4. Road Hazards: Motorists can use call boxes to report road hazards such as fallen trees, debris, or animals on the road, ensuring the safety of others.


Section 3: How to Use Highway Call Boxes

1. Locate the nearest call box: Familiarize yourself with the call box locations along your route to ensure quick access during emergencies.

2. Pull over safely: When using a call box, make sure to pull over to a safe location away from traffic.

3. Dial the emergency number: Dial the designated emergency number displayed on the call box. This number may vary depending on the jurisdiction.

4. Provide necessary information: Clearly state your location, the nature of the emergency, and any other relevant details to the operator.

5. Follow instructions: Listen carefully to the operator’s instructions and follow them accordingly. They may provide guidance on how to stay safe until help arrives.

6. Stay by the call box: If possible, wait near the call box after making the call. This will facilitate the authorities in locating you quickly.





Section 4: Safety Measures and Best Practices

1. Be prepared: Carry a charged mobile phone with emergency contact numbers saved. It can be used as a backup if call boxes are unavailable or out of service.

2. Stay visible: If waiting for assistance outside your vehicle, wear reflective clothing and use hazard lights or flares to ensure visibility to other drivers.

3. Be cautious of strangers: While waiting for assistance, be cautious when interacting with strangers who stop to offer help. It is advisable to keep the car doors locked until help arrives.

4. Don’t obstruct call boxes: Avoid parking or blocking call boxes, as they may be needed by other motorists in emergencies.

5. Report malfunctioning call boxes: If you notice a call box that is damaged, vandalized, or not functioning, report it to the appropriate authorities.



Highway call boxes are invaluable tools that ensure the safety and well-being of motorists in emergencies. By understanding their proper usage, motorists can effectively communicate with authorities and receive the necessary help promptly. Following the safety measures and best practices outlined in this guide will further enhance the overall safety of our highways. Stay safe and be prepared on the road!

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