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Водоотпорна кутија за хитне позиве са СОС функцијом

Класификација: вести Време објављивања: 2023-05-07 Pageviews:2397


The Waterproof Emergency Call Box with SOS Functionality is an innovative device that is designed to provide an effective solution in emergency situations. It is a reliable and robust device that is built to withstand harsh environmental conditions and to deliver clear and concise communication. The device is designed to be used in outdoor areas where communication is critical in case of an emergency.


Design and Features

The Waterproof Emergency Call Box with SOS Functionality is designed to be highly visible and easily accessible in outdoor areas. It is constructed with durable materials that are resistant to weather, vandalism, and other impacts. The device is equipped with a bright LED light that is activated when the SOS button is pressed, signaling for immediate assistance.


The device is also equipped with a high-quality speaker and microphone that delivers clear and concise communication. The speaker is loud enough to be heard in noisy outdoor environments, and the microphone is sensitive enough to pick up even the faintest of sounds. The device is also designed to be easily operated by anyone, regardless of their level of experience or technical skills.




The Waterproof Emergency Call Box with SOS Functionality is ideal for use in a variety of outdoor settings. It can be installed in parks, hiking trails, camping sites, and other outdoor recreational areas where people may encounter emergencies. The device can also be used in industrial settings, such as construction sites, factories, and warehouses, where workers may need to call for help in case of an accident.



The Waterproof Emergency Call Box with SOS Functionality provides several benefits to users. Firstly, it offers a reliable and fast means of communication in emergency situations. This can be crucial in saving lives and preventing further damage. Secondly, the device is designed to be highly visible and easily accessible, which means that people can quickly locate it and call for help. Finally, the device is built to withstand harsh environmental conditions, which ensures that it remains operational even in extreme weather conditions.



The Waterproof Emergency Call Box with SOS Functionality is an innovative device that provides an effective solution in emergency situations. It is designed to deliver clear and concise communication, even in noisy outdoor environments, and is built to withstand harsh environmental conditions. With its highly visible and easily accessible design, the device provides a reliable means of communication for anyone in need of assistance in outdoor areas.

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